function window = platcos(nplat,trans,total) % Construct a symmetric window vector of length 'total' to be applied % in the frequency domain. The first term is always 1. The 'nplat' % terms that follow and that repeat at the end of the block have a % value of 1. The 'trans' terms that border these blocks have a % cosine shape. All other terms are zero. window = zeros(1,total); window(1)=1; window(2:nplat+1) = ones(1,nplat); window(total-nplat+1:total) = ones(1,nplat); for term=1:trans window(term+nplat+1) = 0.5*(1 + cos((term)*pi/trans)); window(total-term-nplat+1) = window(term+nplat+1); end